Monday, 8 February 2010

What works and what doesn't

What works Well:
1) Generator - Has got me out of so many scrapes I can't count.
2) Hot water - Never ran out yet, heats up in 20 min for 2 people
3) Bathroom - All working perfectly, right down to the wet floor and toilet extractor, shower is more powerful than most houses
4) Kitchen storage - More than I can use and well arranged
5) Microwave - Can make everything in this, from pizza to a roast dinner!!!
6) TV/AV setup - 260GB of movies and TV series, its like being in a cinema
7) Fridge - Runs on very little power and keeps everything cool / frozen (Tested in 30deg heat)
8) Battery to battery charger - Fit and forget always keeps the batteries charged when moving
9) Solar charger - In december I managed 2amps in daylight (Same as the fridge takes)
10) Inverter - Powers everything on board with a pure sinewave and has a charger built in

What needs attention:
1) Mains heater - Needs uprating 900W only keeps the inside at 12deg (Outside temp -2)
2) Infra red - Need to extend the range of the remote controls in to the cupboard
3) Mains charger - Currently a 15a charger which is far too weak need 50a
4) New lighting - Need to conserve power by replacing bulbs with LED lights
5) Timer for mains heater - Addition of a programable timer to save power during the night
6) Mysterious drain on inverter when nothing turned on - Investigate
7) Carbon monoxide detector - Needs fitting to cover when generator is on or the hob lit
8) Seat cushions - Need fixing to the wall but still moveable
9) Waste water level sensor - Re think needed as the water level shorts it out when totally full
10) Outside temp sensor - Not connected

Friday, 1 January 2010

Toilet exhaust system

As the access door for the toilet waste tank is on the inside I have vented the cassette to the outside using a waste pipe and a fan. When the water pump is switched on the fan starts under the van and exhausts the tank.

In line heater

While on campsites / other quiet places I need a way of heating the van without using the diesel powered heater. Most people use a portable fan heater. I wanted my system built in so I could effectively use the diesel heater primary circuit silently. No product existed on the market so I built my own. I used a 900w Tubular heater for towel warmers and fixed it inside a length of 22mm copper pipe. I then made 2 15mm ends to allow the heater to fit in line with the flow of the diesel heater. The 240v supply is activated from a switch on the control panel that also tuns on the 24v water circulating pump attached to the diesel heater. I have fitted this system and it is currently under test. Below is a picture to show the idea.